September 2021
Untitled (Moon with Many Eyes) (Audio Version)
Press Release
"Io: Jupiter’s innermost moon, which was discovered in 1610 by Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei and named after the priestess Io, who – upon being seduced by Jupiter – was transformed into a white heifer to hide her from his jealous wife, Juno. Juno saw through the deceit, however, and sent a horsefly to bite Io every time she stopped to rest. Thus Io was doomed to restless wanderings, just like a moon circles its planet. By way of the Italian first person pronoun, 'io', – I – the many identities of Io are conflated, calling forth a hybrid transversal lunar Self encompassing Galileo, the priestess, the cow, the moon, you, me."
Released by Museum for Samtidskunst in Oslo, this sound production extends Marie Kølbæk Iversen’s long-term investigation of the lunar entity Io through the Io/I-project (2015-). It took the form of a series of video installation, talks and performances, and follows up on an artist book published by Antipyrine in 2019, entitled "IO I", and a vinyl record, documentingKatinka Fogh Vindelev & Marie Kølbæk Iversen's opera "Moonologue. For our Suns".
Featuring: Marie Kølbæk Iversen and Katinka Fogh, Ida Marie Hede, and Yann Chateigné Tytelman.
Recording and editing of "Moon with Many Eyes": Eric Desjeux.
© Guillaume Dénervaud / HEAD – Genève
September 2021
Untitled (Moon with Many Eyes) (Audio Version)
Press Release
"Io: Jupiter’s innermost moon, which was discovered in 1610 by Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei and named after the priestess Io, who – upon being seduced by Jupiter – was transformed into a white heifer to hide her from his jealous wife, Juno. Juno saw through the deceit, however, and sent a horsefly to bite Io every time she stopped to rest. Thus Io was doomed to restless wanderings, just like a moon circles its planet. By way of the Italian first person pronoun, 'io', – I – the many identities of Io are conflated, calling forth a hybrid transversal lunar Self encompassing Galileo, the priestess, the cow, the moon, you, me."
Released by Museum for Samtidskunst in Oslo, this sound production extends Marie Kølbæk Iversen’s long-term investigation of the lunar entity Io through the Io/I-project (2015-). It took the form of a series of video installation, talks and performances, and follows up on an artist book published by Antipyrine in 2019, entitled "IO I", and a vinyl record, documentingKatinka Fogh Vindelev & Marie Kølbæk Iversen's opera "Moonologue. For our Suns".
Featuring: Marie Kølbæk Iversen and Katinka Fogh, Ida Marie Hede, and Yann Chateigné Tytelman.
Recording and editing of "Moon with Many Eyes": Eric Desjeux.